Our product list & services.

Bonny Light

Produced in Nigeria, Bonny Light is a high-quality, low-sulfur crude oil that is in high demand due to its favorable refining characteristics.


Qua Iboe

Also from Nigeria, Qua Iboe is another popular light sweet crude known for its low sulfur content and high API gravity.



This Nigerian crude is known for its medium to heavy nature and is an important export grade crude.



Another Nigerian crude, Escravos, is a medium sour grade that is widely traded on the global market.


Produced offshore Nigeria, Agbami is a light sweet crude oil with low sulfur content.

Brass River

Yet another Nigerian crude, Brass River, is a medium sweet crude oil.

Tupi (Lula)

A significant grade produced off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. It is worth mentioning due to its impact on the global oil market.



Produced in Angola, Girassol is a light sweet crude that has gained popularity in the international market.


Also from Angola, Cabinda is a medium sour crude that is regularly exported.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

A form of natural gas that has been cooled to a very low temperature, turning it into a liquid state for ease of storage and transportation.

Diesel (Ago)

Liquid fuel derived from crude oil, commonly used in internal combustion engines, particularly in diesel-powered vehicles and machinery.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Flammable hydrocarbon gas that is compressed and stored in a liquid state, commonly used as a fuel for heating, cooking, and various applications.


Substances applied to soil or plants to enhance nutrient levels and promote plant growth.


Also known as gasoline, is a flammable liquid fuel derived from crude oil and primarily used in internal combustion engines, such as those in automobiles.


A combustible liquid fuel derived from crude oil, commonly used for heating, lighting, and as a fuel in jet engines.

Price negotiation

In addition to our petroleum product supply operations, we provide negotiation services to secure optimized competitive market pricing for the mentioned commodities, enhancing value for our customers.

Financial Security

To instill trust, minimize financial risk, and prevent losses, we have adopted a trust-less mechanism for handling transactions involving high-value goods. This mechanism, known as the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), assures our clients of financial security throughout the process until the products are delivered. Payments are only released after thorough checks confirm the specified quality and volume of the delivered goods.

The transaction process unfolds as follows:

Once a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is established, Mazaratistone implements and verifies the SBLC before commencing supply and delivery. Payments to Mazaratistone are only initiated upon fulfillment of the order specifications, which include confirming the product’s quality and volume. This comprehensive transaction procedure enhances the trustworthiness, credibility, and reliability of our services.

Think Mazaratistone as your “Klarna” in Global Energy Supply partnership! 

+46 – 765811008